Zero Waste South East LA

Zero Waste LA – Franchise

What is the “Zero Waste LA Franchise System?
Zero Waste LA is a new public private partnership designed to address the 3-million tons of waste disposed annually by businesses, consumers and residents. This innovative franchise system establishes a waste and recycling collection program for all commercial, industrial, and large multifamily customers in the City of Los Angeles. In April 2014, the Mayor and City Council approved the ordinance that allows the City to establish an exclusive franchise system with 11 zones. With a single trash hauler responsible for each zone, the franchise system will allow for the efficient collection and sustainable management of solid waste resources and recyclables.
collection services will continue to be provided to current City customers, including the collection of bulky items from all residents. Additionally, special solid waste streams serviced by permitted private waste haulers including construction and demolition (C&D) waste, medical waste, hazardous waste (including electronic waste), and radioactive waste are not part of the franchise system.
Zero Waste LA Goals
The franchise system and its agreements include these environmental outcomes and service mandates:
•    Reduction of landfill disposal by 1,000,000 tons per year by 2025;
•    Transparent and predictable solid waste and recycling service rates for the next 10-20 years;
•    Quality customer service standards with LASAN monitoring and enforcement;
•    Franchise hauler accountability for program outcomes and customer satisfaction through a series of measures implemented by LASAN, up to and including liquidated damages;
•    Compliance with environmental regulations, including mandatory commercial and organics recycling;
•    Investment of over $200 million in new and improved solid resources infrastructure;
•    Clean fuel vehicles; and
•    Decrease and recycling of food waste, and increase in food rescue.

Click here to visit the City of Los Angeles, LA Sanitation, Zero Waste LA Franchise website.

Zero Waste LA Franchise System Process
•    On April 15, 2014, the Mayor and City Council adopted the Citywide Exclusive Franchise System for the Municipal Solid Waste Collection and Handling (Ordinance 182986).
•    On June 12, 2014, LASAN released a Request for Proposals for the Zero Waste LA Franchise System.
•    On October 29, 2014, LASAN received proposals from 15 private waste haulers in response to the competitive and open bidding process.
•    During 2015 and into 2016, LASAN completed a comprehensive review and evaluation of all the proposals received; and began negotiations with selected proposers.
•    On September 26, 2016, LASAN report ed to the Board of Public Works the recommendations for the award of the Zero Waste LA franchise system contracts. Upon deliberation and review of the staff report made by LASAN, t he Board of Public Works unanimously approved the recommendations and forwarded the report to the Mayor’s Office and City Council for final consideration and adoption.
Zero Waste LA Franchise System Timeline
LASAN anticipates the completion of major Zero Waste LA milestones as follows:
•    Contract recommendations to Board of Public Works: September 2016;
•    Completion of the required five year notification to private waste haulers: December 2016;
•    Execution of contracts: Late 2016; and
•    Begin program and customer transition: July 2017.

E-mail Zero Waste LA at

As always, WARE DISPOSAL remains honored to be your commercial service provider!