If your property in Los Angeles, CA; San Bernardino, CA; or anywhere in Orange County has a lot of clutter and trash lying around, let Ware Disposal help you make it cleaner and looking more spacious. With our automated trash service, you can use many different sizes of recycling and trash containers to store recyclables and garbage and dispose of them properly.
Since 1968, we’ve provided residential recycling and waste disposal services all across California. We want to help you keep your home as clean as possible and help do our part in preserving the environment, so don’t hesitate to invest in our automated trash and residential recycling services.
Read below to learn more about these services. Then, when you’re ready to reserve your trash and recycling containers, fill out our online form to receive a free quote and to get in touch.
If you’re in need of additional waste management services for larger projects like home remodeling or landscaping redesigning, take a look at our dumpsters page. You can look through the different sizes of dumpsters we offer to find the one that best suits your project’s needs and requirements. And, as always, don’t hesitate to get in touch with us if you need advice or have questions.
What is Automated Service?
Automated trash service offers many benefits. It provides greater flexibility to our customers. You may select the size of trash and recycling containers that best fit your needs, whether 32 gallons, 64 gallons or 96 gallons. Separate containers are utilized for trash, mixed recyclables and green waste.
It is also more convenient. You can also fill your containers without having to worry about how heavy the contents are – simply wheel the containers to the curb on your service day and the truck’s mechanical arm will do the rest.
The automated containers are more durable, and reduce the likelihood of tipping or spilling. Because they are uniform in appearance, they also help neighborhoods look neat and clean.
Ware Disposal offers EXCEPTIONAL residential solid waste, recycling, and organics collection services in both Orange and Los Angeles Counties.
We service the following franchise areas:
County of Los Angeles South Whittier
County of Los Angeles East Charter Oak, Foothill, Ramona, and Spadra
County of Los Angeles Lennox Garbage Disposal District
Contact us if your city or county is not listed above 877-714-9279 or Click Here To Submit an Email Request

Or Just Call For Any Service You Need May Need, Mon-Fri 8a-5p, Sat 8a-3p

AMERICANS WITH DISABILITIES STATEMENT As a covered entity under Title II of the Americans with Disabilities Act, the City of Los Angeles and Ware Disposal do not discriminate on the basis of disability and, upon request, will provide reasonable accommodation to ensure equal access to its programs, services and activities.
En relación con el Articulo II de Acto de Americanos con Incapacidades, la Ciudad de Los Angeles y Ware Disposal no discrimina en base de incapicidad fisica, y si usted lo pide, la Ciudad proveerá en un nivel razonable igual acceso a sus programas, servicios y actividades.